Do you find it hard to trust the path ahead
when you can't see the next step?

In this free master class, learn the sacred steps to navigating your journey with trust and and to living a soul-hearted life™

Inspirista & Host, Linda Joy
With Dr. Debra Reble

3 Steps to Embrace Radical Trust
in the Midst of Uncertainty

Share the love, Invite your Friends!

September 10th, 2019

Available at
3pm EST/12pm PST

For over two decades, Intuitive Psychologist and Bestselling Author, Dr. Debra Reble has been lovingly supporting women in living a Soul-Hearted Life™.  The Soul-Hearted path invites women to connect with their hearts, release fear and anxiety, and supports them in breaking through the energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love and self-acceptance so they can live an authentic fulfilling life.  She is a sought-after media guest and the bestselling author of Soul-Hearted Living, Being Love andSoul-Hearted Partnership.

Inspirista, cultivator of sacred community, and supporter of women’s dreams, Bestselling Publisher Linda Joy inspires, empowers, and supports women in mastering the art of living™ so they can create and live the life of their dreams.  Through her numerous inspirational multimedia brands, including the beloved Aspire Magazine and the new Inspired Living University™, Linda brings women the content, experts, and inspiration to support them on their path of self-discovery.

What You will learn in this supportive master Class:

Discover what it means to live a Soul-Hearted Life™ and why embracing radical trust is a foundational element.

 How to decipher the difference between the voice in your head (fear) and the voice of your heart (trust).

Debra will guide you through 3 trust-strengthening steps/exercises that you can turn to again and again. 

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